Back to school with NAB Now Pay Later

As your kids begin their school journey whether it be childcare, kindergarten, primary school or high school, the costs can really add up. From fees, uniforms, and tutors to dance classes and school formals, there’s a long list of items to budget for throughout the school year.

NAB Now Pay Later allows you to split the cost of a purchase into four simple repayments to help with budgeting. This can give you a bit of breathing room when it comes to keep on top of school costs.

Before school starts

The cost of back-to-school supplies can be more than you expect, especially when you need to have everything ready before the first day of term. Back-to-school costs can include textbooks, laptops, tablets, school uniforms, stationary and more.

NAB Now Pay Later can help you spilt these expenses up into four smaller repayments, so you’re not burdened with one large payment.

During the school year

Throughout the school year you might need to pay for tutors, school camps, and excursions, as well as extracurricular activities like sports clubs, dance classes and music lessons.

Why pay for all of these extracurricular activities in one go when you can break the expense into four repayments to help with budgeting?

End of the school year

The end of the year can also bring its share of school-related costs, especially if you’ve got a student graduating from primary school or high school. School formals, performances and other end of year celebrations can involve paying for outfits, tickets, transport and more. Not to mention there might be gifts to say thank you to friends or teachers.

The end of the year is already a costly time for many people, so using NAB Now Pay Later to split up these end of year costs could help with budgeting and cashflow for the festive season.

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